Сharitable foundation

«Centre of H.P.Blavatsky»


Dear friends!


We invite you to participate in the Forum devoted to

175th-anniversary of the birth of H.P. Blavatsky


hold from September 7 to September 10, 2006 in Dniepropetrovsk (Ukraine)


In Dniepropetrovsk, at home of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, from 1991 the efforts are underway to create the Museum Center devoted to H.P. Blavatsky and her family in Fadeyev’s House located at Leningradskaya Str. 11. The way for realization of the project turned out to be long and difficult. It took 14 years of the work to obtain essential result: in December 2004 the memorial house, were H.P. Blavatsky was born and that for twenty years (from 1815 to 1834) belonged to the family of her grandfather А.М.Faddeyev, was signed away to the Historical Museum named after D.I. Yavornitskiy by resolution of Cabinet Council of the Ukraine of Dniepropetrovsk regional Council and regional state Administration.

The stage of legal implementation and scientific justification of the project referred to the Museum Center of H.P. Blavatsky and her family is completed. The time has come to give the status of international project, to unite all interested persons and to promote the activity of social council that presents various associations, groups and movements.

We are looking for the friends, who are ready to confirm their will to participate in project implementation. We consider the unification of like-minded persons around the idea of Museum Center is the most important problem now and in subsequent years.

Within the framework of the Forum we plan to discuss some subjects of especial importance.

The first subject is in need of immediate decision and participation of all interested persons. What is meant here is the Fadeyev’s House, were Blavatsky was born, and where the Museum Center of H.P. Blavatsky and her family is creating; the fate of this Center is under the threat now.

Conceptualization and discussion in wide circles of scientific conception of the Museum Center in all aspects of the activity (museum, scientific center, library) is the vital issue of the Forum.

Conceptualization of the legacy of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky in ХХ and ХХI centuries is the task of especial importance. Works of H.P. Blavatsky synthesize scientific, philosophical and religious experiences and correspond to current state of integral world outlook that integrates various spheres of spiritual culture of the mankind. The study that has been presented to the world by our great compatriot has determining value in formation of new worldview of the mankind at the modern stage of evolutionary development.

Your participation in the Forum will enable to attract attention of the world public to the problems of the Museum Center devoted to H.P.Blavatsky and her family, to work out variable solutions of the Museum Center creation, development of the concepts of the teachings of Light Bringer and determination of their significance for spiritual renewal of the humanity.

Participation in the work of the forum supposes:

·        Possibility to present report at the plenary meeting (up to 5 printed pages),

·        Participation in the course of round-table conference,

·        Possibility to speak with statements (1-2 pages),

·        Participation in cultural & educational program.


In accordance with results of the Forum we are going to publish the thesis collection.

Requirements for execution of the materials of the Forum:

size – up to 2 pages; format А 4; point size 12; line space – single; type – Times New Poman in Word text editor (6.0 or newer); margins – 30 mm. Surname and name of the author is in upper right corner; below, in 2 line spacing, in center in capital letters is the name of the report. Attributions and quotations should be in square brackets (first figure is the number in the list of references, second one is the page number: [1,77] ). List of references is in the end (according to priority).

You are kindly required to submit applications and thesis for participation in the Forum till 16.06.2006 at address of the Steering committee in writing or in electronic format:

Ukraine, 49000, Dniepropetrovsk, 64, K.Marksa av., The Museum Center of H.P.Blavatsky and her family;

E-mail: tg@center-hpb.net.ua

Steering committee reserves the right of selection of report and formation of the Program of the Forum. Participants of the Forum are required to inform the Steering committee of necessity of hardware provision for illustration of the speech. Participation in the Forum is possible in capacity of the listener (without speeches and reports).

Registration fee for participation in the Forum makes 10 USD.

Food and lodging is on account of the Participants of the Forum.

Organizers render assistance to the Participants of the Forum in food and lodging.

Steering committee asks to buy the return tickets in advance.


Organizational committee of the Forum:


Shabanova Julia – the head of the sub-faculty of philosophy; the member of TS; b.t. +380 562 470211, f.т.+380 562 478050;

Golovchenko Tatiana – chairman of The Union of theosophists «Sofiya»; the member of TS; tel.+380 562 463239,

E-mail: tg@center-hpb.net.ua

Alivanceva Helena – chairman of CF «Centre of H.P.Blavatsky»; tel.+380 56 7780100,

E-mail: alivanceva@optima.com.ua






of the participant of International Forum,

devoted to 175th-anniversary of the birth of H.P.Blavatsky




Patronymic name______________________________________________________

Place of employment___________________________________________________

Place of studies _______________________________________________________


Scholastic degree and academic rank________________________________________

Social organization or religious society that you represent _______________________

Contact address _______________________________________________________

Contact telephone _____________________________________________________

e-mail ______________________________________________________________

Subject of the talk _____________________________________________________

Form of participation in the Forum (to underline):

 Report at the plenary meeting

 Report in the course of round-table conference

 Participation as the listener

Need for accommodation:

1. No

2. Yes (to underline)

 in dormitory accommodation

 in hotel

 in private residence



Опубликовано на сайте: 6.05.2006 г.


Hosted by uCoz